Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Sisavci i njihove majke

Zamišljala sam bebe kao mekane, mirišljave, prepune ljubavi, bebe koje guguču, smeju se, plaču onako slatko kao da se smeju, spavaju, bebe koje se bave svojim bebećim stvarima i spavaju neka 23h dnevno... do škole.
Dobila sam tebe, priraslicu moga serdca, sada imaš 11 meseci i 11 kila, držiš me na gotovs i danju i noću.
Tvoj život je sve sem jednostavan i očekuješ od mene da ti se, je l', nađem.
Ja sam tvoja hrana/master chef. Polako prolaze dani besomučnog mlekoprodukta i 'dajtejojmajkakadgodtraži, javio je szo' i dani blendiranja svega u jednobojne kašice. Imaš svoja 2 zuba i desni koje svrbe. Grizeš, jedeš ko zmaj. Najviše voliš da jedeš ono što je u mom tanjiru.
Ja sam tvoje noge. Mojih metar i 60 su ok da se stvari pogledaju iz druge perspektive.
Ja sam tvoja učiteljica. 'Ta-to?' balon! slika! lampa! zid! pile! prase! ker! prozor! Kad prestanem da očekujem da ćeš da uradiš nešto vredno javljanja babama i dedama, ti kažeš prvu reč. Kada smo pomislili da ćeš zauvek puzati sporo unazad, ti si propuzala brzo unapred.
Ja sam tvoja pevaljka. Repertoar mi je zavidan - od dečijih klasika do narodnjaka. I uglavnom sve sa greškama u tekstu.
Ja sam tvoja spremačica. Kako uspeš da baciš parče sira sebi ispod dupeta? To mi je misterija.
Ja sam tvoja higijeničarka i maser. Kratim ti kandže kradom i masiram ti crevca dok me ispitivački gledaš.
Ja sam tvoj modni savetnik. C, to objašnjava što nosiš trenerke svaki dan.

Nekad mi se i zahvališ za sve.
Grleno urlikneš i ugrizeš me za nos.

Nisi zahtevna. Zahtevna si. Ne znam, drugačije sam zamišljala bebe.

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By luhrman4 at 2012-02-01


What I Did Today said...

Hi! Wish I could read your blog. That baby is super cute. Just wanted to thank you for your well wishes towards me when I was in the hospital!

organizam said...

Hi! Thanks! I've translated the post for you :)

Mammals and their mothers

I have always imagined babies being soft, scented, full of love, babies cooing, smile, cry as sweet as they smile, sleep, babies that do their babies stuff and sleep 23 hrs a day... until they get old enough for school.
I got you, attachment to my heart, now you have 11 months and 24 pounds, you hold me "present, arms" all day and night.
Your life is everything but simple, and you expect from me to help you out.
I'm your food/master chef. The days of never ending milk production and 'give-her-when-ever-she wants-mother- WHO- just called' are slowly passing by, as well as days of blending everything to a one colored mush. You have your own 2 teeth and itchy gums. You bite and devour like a dragon. Your favorite is whatever is on my plate.
I'm your legs. My 5 feet 2 inches are ok to look at things from different perspective.
I'm your teacher. "Ta-to?" balloon! painting! lamp! wall! pig! dog! window! Just as I stop expecting from you to do anything worth of reporting to grandmas and grandpas, you say your first word. When we thought you'll always crawl slowly backwards, you've started crawling fast and forward.
I'm your singer. My repertoire is enviable - from children classics to folk. With lot of errors in lyrics.
I'm your cleaning lady. How do you manage to throw a piece of cheese under your little but? It's a mystery to me.
I'm your hygienist and masseuse. I stealthily cut your claws and massage your little belly.
I'm your fashion advisor. C, that explains why you're in track suit every day.

Sometimes you thank me for everything.
You groan and bite me on the nose.

You are not needy. You are needy. I don't know, I've always imagined babies different.

What I Did Today said...

Hahahaha! I love it. Such a wonderfully detailed and accurate description. Adorable baby and obviously very lively. How kind of you to translate the post for me. I had gone to google translate but it missed a lot. :)

organizam said...

:) you are welcome. I forgot to mention 'I'm your PA and PR. When ever somebody asks "why is she doing that?!' I have to give an answer'. The list is so long. Both answers and duties.